As a member of the Hong Kong Occupational Safety & Health Council "Green Cross Group", the school strives to promote safety and health of all school staff, students and visitors.

Safe School Policy

  1. A safe and healthy working and learning environment is of the utmost importance to the teachers, staff, students, visitors and other relevant persons of our school. Therefore, the school’s safety and health policy is mainly to ensure the safety and health of the above-mentioned people. The overall measures are more stringent than the requirements of relevant regulations. This is the goal set by the school to provide safety and health education and reduce accidents. It also enables students to have a positive and responsible attitude towards occupational safety and health after graduation.
  2. The school’s safe school policy requires every faculty member and staff member of the school to have clear responsibilities for safety and health matters. The management of the school and the safety and health committee of the school are responsible for monitoring, coordinating, and promoting the safety and health of the school.
  3. Based on the above principles, we must implement the following measures:
    • Provide and maintain the safety of school premises;
    • Confirm that there may be hazards from the school's activities, so as to design control measures to eliminate possible hazards or minimize hazards;
    • Provide and maintain a safe working environment for all teachers, staff and students, including ensuring that the access to the site is safe and is the least harmful to health;
    • The management must provide resources and all necessary information, guidelines, training, supervision and a suitable working environment to ensure the health and safety of all teachers, staff and students;
    • Require teachers, staff and students to work in accordance with safety manuals and guidelines at any time; and to keep in mind the goal of "zero accidents";
    • Require teachers, staff and students to use necessary personal safety protection equipment to ensure their safety and health;
    • Implement effective measures to monitor all school activities and ensure the safety and health of all teachers, staff, students and visitors;
    • Review this policy regularly to ensure continuous improvement.